My interview with Mr. Dave Ledoux of the "Back To My Garden" podcast
( got me thinking about the gardens that I have worked on in the past. Unfortunately, I was not considering blogging about them at the time, so some of the pictures are not the best. Even so, I would like to share some images three of these gardens with you.
The first property that I ever gardened on was my parent's home in Rochester, Michigan. The home was on 4 acres of woodlands that my parents had purchased from the bank because it was in redemption. The family worked together to fix up the land that was trashed by the previous homeowner. It was a great place to grow up. There were plenty of wooded trails to run down, and a pond to swim in. It was also a lot of work. We were always hauling brush, cutting dead trees, hauling rocks, weeding, mowing, trimming, planting... Here are some pictures of that property:
Back yard & pond in Summer, 1980's. My brother & I swimming -- Rochester, MI |
Back yard & pond winter, 2000's -- Rochester, MI |
My brother & I, back deck, 1980's -- Rochester, MI |
Emmy the cat lounging in the garden, 1990's -- Rochester, MI |
Side yard with a white tailed deer, 1990's -- Rochester, MI |
Rochester, MI 1990's -- My parents liked to teach us about the woodland plants. They would sometimes transplant them from the woods into the garden. Shown here: a very tall Jack-in-the-pulpit. |
During my stay in peace corps, I built a small "dimba" or garden behind the house that the community loaned me to live in. I had some help with this garden. I hired a local gentleman to put up the grass fence. A friend of mine gave me a banana tree from his yard. The local children helped me to water the garden, chase away goats that broke through the fence, and to "harvest" the plague of grasshoppers that attacked the garden one day when I was away teaching classes. Here are some pictures of that garden:
Salima, Malawi garden after the fence was erected & before planting. Notice the packed, swept dirt of the yard. |
Salima, Malawi garden after the plants had grown in. Includes: Papaya, chidede, tomatoes, eggplant, banana, and much more. This was an attempt at the start of a permaculture garden. I hope that some of the plants have survived after I left, but I am not sure. |
Some of my secondary school students in my garden: Salima, Malawi. |
The local children loved to play, eat and help in my garden: Salima, Malawi |
The local boys helped me to water my garden (I think that they really just liked to play in the mud :) ), Salima, Malawi. |
After marrying my husband in 2011, I moved in with him at his home in Brighton, MI. Fortunately my husband is not much of a gardener. I say that this is fortunate because it meant that he didn't plant much of anything in the gardens when he bought the house. This gave me plenty of space to add whatever I wanted! A blank page! Here are some pictures of the garden of our first home together:
The front garden of our home in early spring, Brighton, MI, 2013. The dead-looking plants in front are not actually dead, they are sage and made beautiful purple flowers later in spring.Many of the perennials in this picture have not grown to size at the time the photo was taken, but for the most part, in summer this became a butterfly garden. There are also a pear tree and some honeyberry bushes towards the back of the garden. I mixed vegetables in among the flowers later in the season. |
The garden under the front window, Brighton, MI, spring 2013. This is where the Pieris Japonica bushes failed (mentioned in the podcast). I replaced them with variegated euonymous, blood root, and hyacinths. |
The garden to the side of the garage, Brighton, MI. Includes: arbor vitae, pulmonaria, hyacinth, myrtle, and gooseberries. |
The garden near the front step, Brighton MI, spring 2013. Planted (but not grown in yet) : lavender, hydrangea, hyacinths, tulips, crocus, and baptista. |
Side front yard, Brighton, MI, spring 2013. This area was shaded by
several trees. So I planted a great variety of shade loving plants such
as hosta, lily of the valley, heleborus, toad lilies, bleeding heart,
coral bells and more. |
Side front yard, Brighton, MI, spring 2013. This area was shaded by several trees. So I planted a great variety of shade loving plants such as hosta, lily of the valley, heleborus, toad lilies, bleeding heart, coral bells and more. | |
Side front yard, Brighton, MI, spring 2013. This area was shaded by
several trees. So I planted a great variety of shade loving plants such
as hosta, lily of the valley, heleborus, toad lilies, bleeding heart,
coral bells and more. |
Side front yard, Brighton, MI, spring 2013. This area was shaded by
several trees. So I planted a great variety of shade loving plants such
as hosta, lily of the valley, heleborus, toad lilies, bleeding heart,
coral bells and more. |
Side front yard, Brighton, MI, spring 2013. This area was shaded by
several trees. So I planted a great variety of shade loving plants such
as hosta, lily of the valley, heleborus, toad lilies, bleeding heart,
coral bells and more. |
Side front yard, Brighton, MI, spring 2013. This area was shaded by
several trees. So I planted a great variety of shade loving plants such
as hosta, lily of the valley, heleborus, toad lilies, bleeding heart,
coral bells and more. |
I like to inter-plant ornamental plants with edible plants. Here shown: euonymous, rhubarb, walking onions, tulips, and yarrow. Brighton, MI, spring 2013. |
I used this pot to cover the well opening in the back yard, Brighton, MI, spring 2013. I planted it with pansies, chives, and a gerbra daisy. Later in the summer, I switched out some of the flowers for herbs such as oregano and thyme.
Backgard vegetable garden, Brighton, MI, spring 2013. My husband helped me to build a raised garden bed for my vegetables. |
Inside the hoop of the garden bed, Brighton, MI 2013. Planted: peas, spinach, onions, strawberries, lettuce and broccoli. I would plant the tomatoes a bit later. Zucchini is planted but not sprouted. |
My husband and I just moved in to our current home this past summer, 2014. The gardens here have already been somewhat established. Currently, they include: Arbor vitae, yew, burning bush, lilac, daylillies, ornamental grasses, hosta, roses, iris, sedum and a few other plants. I will be adding to them, and hopefully improving them. My first project will be to work on the garden closest to the lake shore. I will be planting mostly herbs, perennial vegetables, strawberries, rhubarb and some flowers. I also plan on planting some vines to grow down the sea wall -- perhaps northern kiwi and/or honeysuckle. Please continue reading the blog to see what happens!
MI Lake Home Garden - Awaiting spring planting 2015! |
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